Quick update after almost 2 months of listening. They sound great. But starting to get curious about other speaker designs…. Continue reading Quarks/Voxel and Where to Go From There…
Category: Speakers
Setting up the Quarks and the Voxel
Now that everything is built, it is time so set things up… Continue reading Setting up the Quarks and the Voxel
Voxel: Completing The Build
Almost done with the Voxel build. Time to wrap it up… Continue reading Voxel: Completing The Build
Voxel: Completing The Plate Amplifier Enclosure
The original Voxel does not have a plate amplifier. However, I needed one but didn’t want to modify the Voxel design. Therefore a small separate enclosure for the plate amplifier is needed. Here is how I completed it. Continue reading Voxel: Completing The Plate Amplifier Enclosure
Voxel: Making Speaker Grilles
For the Voxel and the plate amplifier enclosure I had to make a total of four speaker grilles. Here is how to do it… Continue reading Voxel: Making Speaker Grilles
Voxel: Spray Painting Again…
First time trying to spray paint plywood… Continue reading Voxel: Spray Painting Again…
Voxel: Plate Amplifier Enclosure
Trying to keep things simple with the plate amplifier enclosure. Continue reading Voxel: Plate Amplifier Enclosure
Voxel: Flush Trim and Edge Sealing
I’ve flush-trimmed the plywood edges and filled some gaps/sealed the edge. Continue reading Voxel: Flush Trim and Edge Sealing
Voxel: Progress on Enclosure
The Voxel enclosure gets a front and a back and the port tube is installed. Also, using a router for the first time and learning how to use a Jasper jig to cut circular holes. Continue reading Voxel: Progress on Enclosure
Quarks: Final Remarks
Final verdict… Continue reading Quarks: Final Remarks